Maybe some of you are getting tired of seeing photos of the Swainson’s Hawk, but they are the closest easiest subject I can practice on with my super-tele. I hope to see a difference from the first few I took when I first got the camera, so I leave it up to you to make that call. Hunting season is right around the corner, so perhaps I will have something else in the wildlife category other than birds and my pets! This morning was pretty cool though; one of the Swainsons had a rabbit and that attracted the attention of the other two, and caused a fair amount of screaming among them. Then the American Kestrel showed up trying to muscle the hawks out, but was out-gunned and out numbered, especially since the Kestrel was about a third the size of the hawks! The usual assortment of carrion birds arrived to clean up the leftovers, but I didn’t get any shots of that action. I did also photograph a Western Kingbird, a species I hadn’t seen around here before.